LSA Voyager GAN Amplifier

Just got mine last week.  After 24 hours of play all I can say is that this is not your father's class D amplifier.  There is not one thing about its sound that reminds me of the class D gremlins that I do not like.  The low end filled in and now has deep impact, the midrange is the love child of a beautiful tube and clean hybrid amp - just gorgeous.  Highs are very clean and extended. Spatial cues are top notch. My system has had some damn good tube and solid state amps in it before and it has never sounded this good.  I am blown away with the quality of sound coming from class D amplification at this price point.

This 300 wpc amplifier is a real winner.....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark

A bit off topic but I have a question about NAD m33 and Purifi.

Specs indicate same power into 4 ohms as 8 as I recall. Not sure what to make of that?  I could see where that was a factor in the results I heard with the small Totem monitors.


Whereas Icepower with a good power supply like BC ref1000m indicate power doubling mostly into 4 ohms along with significant current delivery capability. Both seem to indicate high damping.

THe ref1000m amps have been an ideal mate for my larger Ohm Walsh speakers in particular. I attribute that to some degree to the power doubling into 4 ohms, high damping and significant current delivery. Would not want to lose that.

There is no trophy in audio because none of these fake scientists have ever performed a test that has any meaning. It is really a belief system based on wiggles on a scope and numbers....all signifying nothing. It is a lie....plain and simple. I would not go so far to state that these people are all lying for they are just converts of this religion and believe it to be the truth. However, there is not one test that I have ever seen that correlates measurements with sound......none.....please show me one.

The Age of Enlightenment called. They want their Scientific Method back....

Yes, it’s a belief system based on science. It’s what’s gotten us out of caves and to the moon. What is your belief system based on? Your business model is "Trust me"- it’s a cash faith based religion which preaches results that can't be measured, verified, or explained by any rational means.

Engineering is indeed based on numbers. No one with any serious knowledge of science would deny the importance of math, physics, and rigorous testing/analysis to determine the performance of any engineered product, from bridges, airplanes, spacecraft, to audio. None of these audio products would exists without designers thoroughly familiar with the science behind their products. This should go without saying and I think any intelligent person understand this.

When someone claims numbers, science, engineering, etc., doesn’t matter, that it’s a scam, a religion, all faith, especially someone whose livelihood is dependent on denying anything that might give evidence of the veracity of his claims, it is an obvious and clear fraud.

There have been innumerable studies which verify the link between numbers and audible performance. Most people know this. You can measure the distortion from your tweaked out transistor radio and compare it to the distortion of a modern system and it’s rather obvious.

No, there is no accounting for personal taste. Some like distortion of a certain variety. That has been proven time and again. Others don’t. But I think everyone agrees that fraud, deceit, and making unsubstantiated claims to bilk people out of their money is bad.

I have a mini GaN amp as well,  Originally bought it for HT in the main system as the speakers are a difficult load (Thiel 3.7s).  Broke it in using a secondary system (B&W P6s) and it is not in another spare system (basically a guest bedroom) driving GR Research N3s (fed via a Marantz 5010 receiver).  I picked it up when it was $699.  I did a review of it here -

What is so funny is that these "science is truth" people have no truth.   There are no double blind linstening tests that confirm one measurement is better than another.

These statements are false as are some of the apocryphal claims that followed them in the same post. Dr. Earl Geddes used double blind testing to show that off axis response and total room energy were extremely valuable for a speaker to be considered musical- and thus backing the measurements. Again, the important thing here is that if you cannot correlate the measurement with the apparent listening experience, you are measuring the wrong thing.

When someone claims numbers, science, engineering, etc., doesn’t matter, that it’s a scam, a religion, all faith, especially someone whose livelihood is dependent on denying anything that might give evidence of the veracity of his claims, it is an obvious and clear fraud.

+1 Exactly! Yet oddly, those same people will take a ride on an airplane, use electric lighting, the Internet and a host of other technologies all in a single day, and all that only exist entirely due to science and engineering.



You know very well we are talking about electronics here......of course, certain measurements of speakers are very important. 

For electronics.....preamps...amps....DACs.....and for all passive components,, tweaking and execution (like damping and shielding and grounding, etc.).....please show me the double blind listening test results.....come cannot....because it has never been done.  The only double blind tests that were ever done showed that people cannot hear anything in a double blind show me the results of phase shift of an amp....or .001 versus .1 percent distortion.....or more second harmonic distortion and less upper harmonics or anything for that matter....It has never been done.  With electronics, passive components and execution.......there has never been a double blind test done......please show me....make me wrong.  I am sure you will find a doulble blind test that was inconclusive.......but actually shows something?.........come talk now......lets see the tests.

I never said that numbers and science and engineering do not matter........but that measured distortion numbers and signal to noise, etc.....have any correlation to sound? me.  show me the test results that prove it.