Pretty sure he did everything pre 1986.
You know, since he died in 1943.
I can’t help but notice all your responses sound as if you read a post, do a quick 5 minute crash course on Wikipedia, then rebut that post like you’re the grand authority. It's as if you desperately want everyone to think you are the Great Oracle of all things audio and science. Sorry to tell you; You're too late. We already have one of those...
Pretty sure I translated the 8 and the 9.
I actually debated on Tesla in University, I got stuck with the "negative" side which I thought was a detriment, but ended up being much easier. I also read on almost everything, have several degrees, most useful, and actually put my education and knowledge into practice. However, even if I did a 5 minute crash course, it seems to be more than enough to keep up here ... so what does that say?