Not Sure If This Is OK Here, But Here Goes

I'm selling a pair of Magnepans on Audiogon and as usual, have had no response. Yesterday, a guy from Argentina (allegedly) contacts me and says he'd like the speakers and gave me an address and phone number of a guy in Miami to ship them to and he'll forward them on to the end buyer.

At first glance, this doesn't pass the smell test. However, he did give me a phone number, which I may call later today. The other issue I have is that I have little to no experience with PayPal. How hard is it to defraud PayPal and leave me without my  money and the lose of my speakers?


I wouldn’t do it, but MC has a good idea with using PP Friends and Family. 
All the best.


A buddy tried it once. It was a legit transaction, but the deal was dramatic and shaky. In the end, things worked out, but I don’t think he would do it again. 

In your situation I’d use ZELLE and have the buyer agree that you’ll accept no responsibility for non-delivery or damages. PayPal will hold your money hostage until the speakers are delivered. Great for the buyer but for the seller it’s a great way to get screwed and PayPal ABSOLUTELY will put the screws to you. I can’t stand them.