The study characterizes the fluctuations in the shock waves of vehicles traveling at speeds of Mach 2 to 10 and is modeled in one dimension.
Please explain what in audio travels at supersonic speeds, and hence the relevance to your link and audio?
Much of the study in the field of hypersonics focuses on understanding the disturbances in the flow of gases near the surface of the vehicle—the boundary layer—rather than what's happening in the shock, which typically occurs in the front of the vehicle.
Again, how relevant? This is the common foible, error, tactic? so common in audio discussions whether DACs, digital, cables, etc. Bring up something remotely related, then do no work to show relevancy and no work to put a figure on it that how relevancy, then claim "that is why I hear .....". You claim to be a "man of science" in your posts, but posting links and making dubious claims of relevance is most definitely not science.