Afraid it is not that easy, quite a bit of work has to be done before that can occur. Have no idea of the number of hours on the diamond, so it needs to be evaluated. I have a package slated to go to Expert Stylus with my Ikeda 9 for refurbishment, so it makes sense to send the MC2000 along with it to be checked out. Pretty sure that is what I am going to do, its just a matter of getting it boxed up.
When it comes back I don’t have enough gain in my phono stage to listen to it, and do not have any step up devices to make that work. So I have to do the leg work and decide which ones could be possible. Now my seller tells me if I could locate a Mac C50 for him in the US he would be willing to sell me the T2000. But I find no C50, so at the moment there is not a pathway for me to obtain the T2000, but perhaps there will be in the future. Only SUT on the net available at this time is a T1000, but it does not look like it has enough gain.
If you read the Stereophile review Holt uses a Well Tempered arm, which the magazine reports in a 1984 issue to be 10 grams. However since it rides in that silicone cup, depending on paddle depth, it may act like a higher mass arm. What is concerning is that Holt reports that after a few days of listening the cantilever looks like its starting to collapse. Now he does say that it never changes from that and completely fails. However, I would prefer that not occur to start with, as I don’t need any heart attack inducing events. The question becomes is it because of arm mass, or is it because of the fluid damping. Which if I could answer that question would determine which arm I install it on here. So far I am leaning towards the Dynavector with the Supex head shell to be the safest option.
Essentially I am just trying to determine the safest pathway to using the cartridge, and not waste a bunch of money on the pre pre amp choice. I have a Conrad Johnson HV1 sitting in the garage that a useless moving coil step up device for me because it does not have enough gain for these Ortofon cartridges, and the gain structure of my SS amp/pre amp and somewhat higher efficiency speakers makes the noise floor of the HV1 audible. This is the kind of misstep I would like to avoid in the future. That is how come I phrased this thread "a discussion".