The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


That subject of your post shows lack of conviction for what you posted.

Not really.

I might engage you if you had what it takes to show your name and your face. Additionally, to show all other posts done under all other false names used on this forum, by you.

Only then. When integrity has arrived in your camp.

@teo_audio ,

Knowing my name and seeing my face will in no way change what I wrote, but it may encourage you and others to dox me. I wasn't born yesterday. This is just another attempt to discredit me and to avoid addressing what I have written.  I could not care who you are or what your face looks like. I am judging you purely on the basis of what you are posting. I will ask you once again to stick to the topic if you are able.

I think this is a very good rule...

I think the same...

But if someone is wrong about a point of argument i appreciate that he recognize it when it is the case...If not, no discussion is possible...

Tolerance without gregarious scapegoating is the key to civilization...

And for sure less dogmatic or less abrasive comment could help too...

Politeness is the key to discovery said Confucius, but Lao Tse add that humility help a lot....


( i invented these citations myself then i apologize for my excesses and abuse in bad litterature)

Knowing my name and seeing my face will in no way change what I wrote, but it may encourage you and others to dox me. I wasn’t born yesterday. This is just another attempt to discredit me and to avoid addressing what I have written. I could not care who you are or what your face looks like. I am judging you purely on the basis of what you are posting. I will ask you once again to stick to the topic if you are able.

It my experience @mahgister, politeness is the key to very slow discovery and often ends in quiet anger and resentment. Out in the open "argument" and "conflict" if kept to the topic at hand, and not made overtly personal reaches a better, more nuanced, faster, and more acceptable to all conclusion. The home of Confucius is known for their "outward" politeness, but that is often hiding the middle finger, which leads to worse long term outcomes. Meanwhile, day to day interactions in Confucius' home, are anything but polite when the curtain is pulled back. One could argue the forced "politeness" of woke culture is retarding real progress, as we are no longer even allowed to disagree on certain topics. Confucius thought was initially frowned upon by the Communist party as it was seen as a threat to their "moral" power. Now it is used as tool for control. Be careful what you wish for.

I do my best to stick to only arguing the topic and hand, I am open to "new" concepts if actually thought threw, but when we start talking about celestial bodies formerly being practically in the Earth's atmosphere in the last thousands of years, you are not going to get a "respectful" reply. If I stray from the topic at hand too far, I will try not to take too much offence if you pull me back in.

I believe our thoughts on Tesla will never agree. You see a saint, I see a smart inventor who was convinced of his own superiority and did not give credit where credit was due and claimed to be "first" for everything he touched. Neither Tesla nor Marconi really invented radio. Edison, gave a lecture on what was to be radio waves in 1871 and patented a ship to shore comms in 1890(1?). Jagadesh Bose range a remote bell in 1894 using radio waves. Heinrich Hertz demonstrated spark gap communication in 1887. Marconi's main advancements perhaps were antenna ideas which he honed in early 1895 and is credit, I would say accurately of that year putting together the first complete wireless transmission system.  Tesla was obviously great at applying technology and realized his Tesla coil made a best at the time transmitter. He claims that Marconi was using 17 of his patents, but please indicate where he gave credit to all those who did work prior which enabled what he did.