Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?

Some designers strive for phase and time coherency.  Will it improve sound quality?


@ghasley , I have no idea who or what a kenjit is, but I take great offence to being compared to amplifierdude or mivmike or mikemiv, or whatever he goes by today, knowing him from another site, and in the my limited time on here. What he thinks he knows about electronics and audio far exceeds what he does, and it is pretty painfully obvious.

@tushiman1 - please grow up, this is your 4th troll post and unlike you, I am mature enough not to be baited. I am sorry you are so offended by what I say. May I suggest a book to catch up?

@cindyment while there was certainly no "offence" intended, the fact that you materialize one day and set a posting record the next likely makes some here curious who you are. Your early posturing is likely to make most indifferent at best. Many who join the site introduce themselves. Something like "Hi, I’m Nigel, I live in my parent’s basement. I have a Parasound Hint or a Whatchamacallit Dac and I’m going to challenge your preconceived notions. I am a manufacturer OR I am a hobbyist" would also be a nice start.


You seem knowledgable and are likely to enjoy it here, you are however, a bit confrontational. Additionally, most of us who have been on Audiogon for a while have no idea who or what a kenjit is either. Warm regards and welcome to Audiogon although its not my place to welcome you or not.

Post removed 

@ghasley , I did not take offence. It would be hard to confuse me with amplifier dude. Honestly, I am just about ready to murder myself with a fork what I am doing is so boring w.r.t. work. Terribly important, but brutally boring. I am helping to source components so we can ship product. I have been writing emails and talking to brokers at all hours negotiating prices and trying to find out if their stock is real (multiple will list the same stock). I actually ended up here due to amplifierdude on another forum, and when I searched his name, came here and got caught up in the conversations. I type fast, so it take no time to bang out a bunch of posts, but the hostility here is ... honestly, just wow.  See the post just before mine ...

No matter what i write as an introduction will get torn apart. That seems be to be de riguer (sp?). I will be either too technical for some or not enough for others. I am obviously technical and I will let my works speak for themselves. I am also totally into audio being a subjective experience, i.e. we all like different things, and heck that changes with the day of the week. I just know the difference between what I subjectively like, and have no delusions about it being accurate. Love digital playback, love turntables and have several, spent far too much money on my main system, but also have several vintage systems that change about twice a year. Love the used market for that. Big money on my main system is in the room. Totally into DSP for the incredible flexibility it gives me. My system can be SS one day, and tube the next with the push of a few buttons (on the screen). Don't get too hung up on equipment except speakers, but could talk for hours and hours and hours about setup.