The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts



Sadly there are a number of good hearted folk here who will end up being  played by this creature 😐

@tsushima1 , creature, indeed, is the right word. One with possibly a fractured personality having to modify his behavior which eats at him with every word he types. How long before he inhabits a cell next to Multiple Migs?

All the best,

@yuviarora , neutron stars and black holes are truly astounding objects.  They are hard to imagine let alone comprehend, but all evidence points to them being real.  If you have a better explanation for fast radio bursts, pulsars, quasars, gravity waves and the synthesis of elements with greater than 50 protons, then your Nobel Prize is waiting.  To quote the great detective "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

Regarding speculation about the new member vs. the other, I don't see the connection.  They don't present their opinions in the same way.  I could be wrong, but sometimes events are a coincidence.


  To quote the great detective "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

I thought that was Mr. Spock...