The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Lockdown after lockdown, each harsher than the last, people will beg for this AI system. Contact tracing and Vaccine passports are just the tip of the iceberg,.

I think it’s time to build a house out in the woods, with a dedicated room for a modded Magnepan 20.7 speaker setup :)


You are right about that for a reason very simple...

In medical science and in epidemiology , vaccinations must be implemented with voluntary consent but more than that for all AT RISK people ONLY on EARTH...

Not massively in rich country only like the US...

There is also the emerging truth about these new almost useless by the way they are used  and anyway risky vaxx...

Massive vaxx like Gates want  is totally insane, any epideniologist know it ... Many could not spoke they are tied at risk of loosing the livelihood...And censored when they spoke...Gates -Fauci together control 60 % i think of the medical research field on earth...

A coronavirus mutate greatly and we push the virus to mutate at the greatest speed possible...A nobel prize in medecine say it not me, doctor Luc Montagnier ... But even me could understand that and i am not a doctor....Why not Doctor Fauci?


i never in all my life assist to a collective madness created destruction...

I could not imagine that...

Lets not go there, or this thread will get shut down also.

we are all on that roller coaster ride now, no getting off for anyone at this point. Buckle in till the end of 2024. 

I agree sorry...

But this crisis affect us all personally even my family...

So much evil pass over my head....

i will go to sleep...

thanks for the reminder....

Lets not go there, or this thread will get shut down also.

we are all on that roller coaster ride now, no getting off for anyone at this point. Buckle in till the end of 2024. 

Does not pulling the plug render electricity effectively powerless? At least in one’s specific situation?