Back to Teo Audio cables as my last stand.

Some eight years ago or longer I had the Teo Standard MK2 in my system and thought it was the best sounding cable I ever owned. Playing the Audiofool I sold it and moved on to I don't know what 🧐.


This month I've bought 4 pairs of Teo Audio IC's. The prodigal son has returned to his father's mansion.



Bricasti M1 SE to Teo Audio pre amp using 1M RCA Teo Solfeggio.


From Teo pre amp to QOL BSG Technologies using 1.5 XLR Teo Ultra Double (A  1M RCA Teo Soleggo is in the post).


From BSG Technology to Manger S1 active speakers 2M (no name yet) Teo XLR.


No tubes are running in the system but now I have the glory of the tube sound because of the Teo cables.


I think their cables being built today are as good or better than the Reference cable Teo let me demo some 8 years ago.


My last IC to buy will be a 2M RCA Solfeggio to replace the no name.


Teo Audio’s, Ken and Taras, are some of the best folks to deal with. IMO they make some of the very best cables in the market place. The best I’ve ever heard in my system.


Now only if they could do AC cable.


Are there other audiophiles running Teo cables here on the 'Gon?


Ken and Taras of Teo Audio have been making their liquid brand cables for many years and I do believe contacting them with your budget, ends and length then they will let you know what they can build and price.


I just bought a 2M XLR cable off them. I wrote to Tares my need and Ken built me their best XLR cable and gave me the price to build it. Easy to deal with both of them. Remember they are not a huge cable company so patience is a virtue. If I can do coming,from New York, than anyone can do it 😎




Send them an E-Mail and see what they got cooking. My 2M has no name I believe so I named it laughing gas. Makes me drunk every time I fire up my system.

I assume that Teo mainly sells direct to consumer based on their very limited dealer network (non of which show Teo Products in their listings).  Since they have standard product offerings, how hard would it be to post prices?  

@testpilot + 1 - No kidding - when I look at a direct-buy website for a product I'm interested in, but there are no prices listed, I just go to the next on the list - there are plenty of small cable manufacturers who sell good products for the money that DO show their prices. Why make a prospective customer have to initiate an inquiry to even get an idea of what they cost? I hope not too much business passes them by. 

We're looking to set up a shofify website soon.  small company, too many hats.