Let me give you my take on this. I will even state that I think most tweaks are ludicrous. I think threads on the latest color of SR fuse while Ted laughs his way to the bank are 3rd level ludicrous. So that is where I am coming from. So how do I "police" myself? Best to give examples
- Someone starts a thread who has bought purple SR fuses and want to discuss it. Have at it. I am not going to participate
- Someone starts a thread and says hey, I have the orange SR fuse, and I am considering the purple fuse, and wants to discuss it. Have at it, I am not going to participate.
- Someone starts a thread and says I have never used fuses and I am considering it, what do people think? That I will participate in, and whether you believe in fuses or not, you should have no expectation of being able to say anything you want without having to defend it. The old mantra sticks, entitled to your own opinion, not our own facts.
- Now if someone says I am thinking of trying fuses, can people who have used fancy audio fuses before give me some feedback, well then again, I am not going to participate.
The "safe haven" idea works, only if it has specific moderation. I don't really feel that is censorship because almost all "clubs" have some basic membership rules and requirements.
If you want a whole website that is a "safe space", that is a bad idea. That is an echo chamber, and everyone in it just stagnates, never learns, never moves forward.
Arguing, even heated arguments, on forums, is good. That is the whole point. Nothing ever moves forward if everyone just agrees with everything. It is even okay to say that what someone wrote it stupid, if you give a reasoned argument why you think it is stupid. What is not okay, is to just call someone stupid. What is not okay is to make posts intended to only denigrate someone but have little to no relevance to the thread topic. It took me about 10 posts here to figure out that that happens far far too often here, and it is far too accepted a practice, and there is no hesitation once it starts for others to jump in and do the same thing. There are quite a few posters that should study the list of logical fallacies, and make a concerted effort not to use them. https://thebestschools.org/magazine/15-logical-fallacies-know/
It all comes back to maturity. You want your "safe haven". Do you feel you earned it? Can you read through that list of logical fallacies above and state confidently that you rarely are guilty of these? Cause if you can't, that "safe haven" will just devolve and become an empty space.