How does a REL subwoofer add dimensionality and depth to a sound system?

How does a REL subwoofer add dimensionality and depth to a sound system?


I stumbled across this video by accident. But I've often wondered how my Rel  subs make such an improvement to the main speakers.


Any good sub should add what normally exists in live settings...that's the thing. Low frequencies are around in the real world, it's just that few speakers can reproduce the lows without a sub. I use 2 older RELs with a SEP (main system...another REL in my TV rig) amp and they work extremely well, are built like a tank, and are perfectly designed for their DSP needed as I simply adjust them when it’s (rarely) called for. Not sure what the above rant is about, but hey...folks gotta rant!

I expect for most audiophiles, Paradigm subs with built in room correction would end up being superior solutions to most competitors. Even without it they would be a solid choice.


You're incorrigible!! Kinda like all us old farts. I guess that's  why I like ya

Thank you and I'll try to keep up. I wonder if REL is hiring.. LOL I did post a picture of the dog and the rabbit..

I have a pair of 16cf 1.5 thick 5 foot tall subs just waiting. I think 2 21" high excursion subs and 4 18" passive radiators will work. Use a 12K Behringer per enclosure.

I have a feeling they will have to be on inner tubes or air bags.

I have a chamber fellas. When YOU are loaded in the slot.. 4 foot slot 3 foot wide with 4 15" HE subs.. You will stop breathing. It's how I use to discipline fowl children and difficult co workers. I'd kidnap them and then strap them in the chamber for 2 hours. Then return what's left to police station. Little smart mouth ba$tards. :-)

Couple of months of mood elevators and speaking to a therapist, they are as good as new AND they learn about manners.. :-)


It's nothing to do with REL, and all REL does with stuff like this is reinforce the perception of being first and foremost aggressive marketing driven. 

The pertinent question is how does really good deep bass reinforce the perception of dimensionality and space?

The answer is by believably recreating not only the sound but the feeling of being in a large space. Very low frequency bass waves are very long, 40 to 50 feet or more. Much larger than any normal room. Normally such low frequencies are only experienced in large or open spaces. So when we hear and feel them we naturally feel we are in a large space.

This has the effect of making room walls disappear, creating a feeling of envelopment, of being in the original acoustic space and not just having it up there somewhere in front of us.

Because this feeling of being an enlarged space extends off in all directions it creates a feeling of a larger space in front and to the sides as well. No wonder a recent visitor who has been here a few times now describes the sound as "cavernous". He's not talking about an echo. He's talking about a vast black space. This is where a lot of the dimensionality comes from.

Nothing wrong with REL, other than they are overblown. However good one or two REL are, any four decent subs will do this a whole lot better. Probably for less. That is the problem with the REL hype. Any four. Do a search. You will see.