Bruno Strikes Again. Purifi 1ET7040SA VTV Amplifier.

I got an early exclusive chance to audition Purifi’s latest amp module. Please subscribe and thanks for watching.




Rouge (Italy, not Rogue) also has the modules.  No doubt a built amp will be forthcoming from them too.

Hope Purifi or Neurochrome make input boards as well for this new module. Not sure I have a lot of faith in VTV after seeing some the internals of their assembled amps.

Look forward to seeing and hearing what Rouge Audio Designs brings to the table.

Pink doughnuts. 

@yyzsantabarbara Have you tried Cherry Amps? I have heard them (not sure which one but I know it was a newer model) on some JTR speakers and the bass was insane without the amp even hinting at trying. I've truly never heard bass like that outside of an outdoor concert venue. I believe we hit 116 dB and had plenty more if it didn't make me almost ill it was so strong.

Seems the original Purifi 400 module actually measures better than the new module, despite the claims in the video...