MC good for you, 86 articulate, intelligent, opinionated, helping others, and busting chop all the while still pursuing your bliss!
Tomic Thank you for your concern I took a couple of those SIN online and my hearing was fine for my age if not a touch better. Those Snell were fantastic. Outside of music my ears were not exposed to high dB. That is except for the two days I lasted on an assembly line making Mustangs during my college summer break. At the time I was waiting for the lottery to see who gets to go to Vietnam. Let me just say Fredric Taylor's Schmidt the pig ironworker is alive and well on the auto assembly line. It was a fascinating two days for a kid at the time studying factory organization and management! Jim congratulations on an impressive career in an ultra stressful job talk about responsibility! Deming's philosophy looms large as each of your products must be perfect as lives depended on it.