Nicola Tesla’s was way ahead of his time and Wireless electricity is not as far fetched as you may think. It’s the filthy Rich that dreaded the thought of free energy ,thst why wardenclif funding ran out ,if Tesla was a good business man and made Westinghouse pay over a $1 per Horse power he would have ruled the electrical world, instead he ripped up the agreement ,and was grossly taken advantage of. Edison used him ,and Marconi literally stole several of teslas patents it was in fact Tesla not Marconi that developed the Radio,
and several years after Tesla died they finally awarded Tesla his due.
and literally 1,000s of pages of his life work and trumks of research and inventions
were just stolen by the FBI the day Tesla died and never returned to his family or country even RF remote control was invented by Tesla 100 years ago and he was able to use the ground as part of conductor and lit lightbulbs and other things 50 years away , what if ? And in ancient times they had technologies That were lost we are just trying to reinvent, I will leave this with you the pyramids were never made for the pharaoh s, Ever , and geometric precision by chance hardly ,
and thought for the day,Baalbek in Lebanon 1 block moved over 20 miles 1.5 million lbs , and made of granite no Diamond tipped saws , ,our biggest cranes today on even terrain 350,000 lbs , it’s funny how we dismiss what we don’t understand, or can’t explain .Anti gravity ! Look up coral castle in Fla ,he knew the lost secrets of the pyramids !! We don’t !!