In the beginning

Why did folks beat a stick on a log? Appease the Gods? Blow off steam? Impress a probable mate? Accompany oral mythologies assisting memory?

I need a good book on how music may have begin. Plus your thoughts. 


Just watch the Flintstones. The history of all things old.. LOL

Actually ROCK guitar.. The singing was people screaming and running from Sabertooth Tigers. When they were caught. That was the starting of the REAL Blues. It wasn't about women and men it was about who was the slowest runner.


The initial invention of music was portrayed in the 1981 movie “Cave Man” with Ringo.  We obsessive audiophiles are the result. Low brow humor for sure.

I R Weasel.

It all started about 50 years back when I found a trophy phonograph and few records to spin. Then few years back, I found accordion and started to try to repeat to what I listened on this particular phonograph.

What was before that, I don't really care.

Music started right after they invented bedsprings.

It died on February 3, 1959 on a Beechcraft Bonanza headed to Fargo, North Dakota.