What's up with Innuos?

Any one else having bugs with Innuos Sense 2.0.8? Been trying to submit bugs through the app to Innuos Support and keep getting an error message, and cannot email support because my email generates a failure notice.


Wondering if anyone else is having the same problems (can’t submit bug reports through Innuos Sense)?


I have had issues using the the Sense app. My system can't seem to locate it on some days. However, I discovered that you can nearly always access it via the browser interface. Looks exactly the same. No issues regarding usability thus far.


Hmmm, none of those issues here (thankfully). Innuos seemed to iron out some of the PITA functional issues early on and server connectivity has been much better since 2.0.6. I'd sent them feedback on at least one occasion and they responded directly in a couple of days and subsequently made the fix so I am generally happy with their responsiveness. I only updated to 2.0.8  ten or so days ago but haven't seen many changes from 2.0.7. Right now I am very satisfied with the SQ and functionality is more than acceptable....from here every incremental improvement they make is icing on the cake IMO and keeps adding to their value proposition but my perspective is narrow. The only other integrated streaming app I am familiar with is Bluesound and that was a few years back but I believe Sense has surpassed that even now. In terms of comparing to Roon, well, Sense is clearly not there and I am not sure they will ever be, but it is almost like comparing apples to oranges from the point of view that Roon's first product released more than 10 years ago and Sense was released less than 10 months ago. Sense is free and Roon is a sperate subscription based product that can require extra HW. I'm elated that Innuos has prioritized Sense as part of their product and appear to be pushing both SQ and the UX experience forward. I feel like they've made a lot of progress in a short time and hope the train keeps rolling. 

+1 @chilehed

Sense works very well on my ZEN and the SQ was better than Roon when I fired up Sense in July 2021 (don't know if there's a new version of Roon that sounds better). Roon functionality was awesome, but it costs money and I can get a lot of what Roon does via an internet browser (album/artist info, etc.).


I like Roon very much and it sounded great in my rig until I started messing with DSP. I do miss the review info and credits/liner notes Roon provides. Most of all I miss the machine learning they implement to play similar music when your selection ends which others have also mentioned. I'd be interested to know if Roon owns the album/artist information or if they subscribe or pay a royalty to access it? If it is payed for it's unlikely Sense will ever reach that level of sophistication and remain free unless they figure out a way to push ads or market Sense as a payed for service. In any case it will be interesting to see where this goes; it's good to know Roon is there as an alternative.

Running 2.0.8 for a while with no issues.  There was an earlier version that was glitchy but it was updated pretty quickly and all has been well since.


Sounds night and day better than Roon to me.