Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 


And when you pay them no mind, they congregate, solidify their positions and wreck havoc on society.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

Yes, even in an audio forum.

All the best,





Don’t blame the rank-and-file. Blame the politicians who created the problems. You have to remember the job of a politician. First create an issue that will affect the most amount of people that it can. Then convince the people that you the politician is the only one who can fix the created problem. Then convinced the People you need more money and resources to fix the created problem. Then never fix the problem so we need more politicians and more money to fix the newly created problems that were never fixed to begin with.This is the basic structure of money laundering taxpayers money. They created the midterm elections so we are on a never ending election cycle. This has allowed them to inject themselves into every aspect of our daily lives. Blow up the dc cartel and global elites and we might be able to get back our world for we the people. 

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