APL Esoteric X-01

Anyone had their Esoteric X-01 redesigned by Alex at APL. Design 1 or design 2.5?
If so what are your impressions?
Thanks, Greg
Hi Greg,

I have ordered the APL NWO-2.5 based on the Esoteric UX-1 and will post my impressions when I receive it. Several owners (and non-owners) have posted their impressions of the APL NWO-1.0,2.0, and 2.5 on various threads on Audiogon and the APL Forum. For example, check out the following links:


Best Regards,
Greg, when it comes to transport and DSP, the UX-1 and X-01 are identical. Just the X-01 has the DVD Video and Audio disabled.

When it comes to the APL re-design of these, it is also identical with absolutely the same end result. It's just that you will not be able to play DVD-A and Video on the X-01.

This said, the links that Puremusic(John) has provided above apply 100% for a re-designed X-01 as well. You can also look at the NWO-2.5 thread here on Audiogon

Thank you John and Alex for your information. It will be 5 to 6 working days before I recieve my X-01. I do want to listen to it in stock form and compare it to my other players before I make the leap. I also have to come to terms with my wife on what equip. stays and what goes. I am planning to buy new Eggleston Works Andra IIs and bi-amp them with Pass labs XA-160s for the mids and highs and X-350s for the bottem.
Hi. First, as to the Andra IIs, this is not a hard to drive speaker, and in fact the manufacturer's recommendation is 100 watts per channel, unlike the original Andras, which ate power. I biwire them with McIntosh 501s, which have about 5 times the recommended power, and that is vastly more than needed for any conceivable purpose, in any likely room. Before I got rid of my old amps, Classe CAM-300s, I tried biamping, first with the Macs on top, and then the Classes, and there was no gain, and maybe some loss, as to clarity, soundstage, etc. I really think, unless you already have the Pass amps, that you are spending a lot where there isn't any great likelihood of gain.
On the other subject, if you are getting an original X-01, the upgrade to Limited is a vast improvement over the original, for $1200, and the warranty is extended. The Limited is far warmer and richer than, but equally as detailed as the original, without any of the etched quality which sometimes made the original a bit offputting. If you've heard the Limited and still want to get it, or the original, modified, fine. But if you haven't, and are just going on the difference in sound between the original X-01 and the after-market modification, you're going blind--aurally, that is. But to each his own, of course.
Mgottlieb, I am perfectly aware (in-depth, down to the last component) what are the differences between the "normal" and "limited" UX-1 and X-01. There is no doubt that the "limited" is better, but it is still 90% similar to the "normal" version.

The "after-market modification", as you put it, involves complete removal of ALL original clocks, upsampler, digital filter, DAC and analog stages. The end result has nothing to do with Esoteric except for the beautiful enclosure and the superb VRDS-NEO transport. You are welcome to visit the links provided above and read more information about it.
