How to identify my weakest link?

I really love my Hi-Fi system. It makes me real happy. It sounds so good but lately I’ve been feeling like I’d like to try something new. But what would I upgrade? How do I identify the weakest link? My gut tells me I should be looking at upgrading my amp but maybe not? If I do upgrade the amp I’d like to stay with an integrated amp due to space constraints. Any recommendations? Here’s where I’m currently at. I’m only interested in playing records on this system so no digital. 

Hana SL Moving Coil cartridge

Clearaudio Ovation w/ Magnify tonearm

Herron Audio VTPH-2A Phono Preamp

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated - tubes rolled from stock JJs to Gold Lion 12AX7 and 12AU7s with a Brimer 12AU7 in the center position. 

Speakers are B&W 805d3 stand mounts with a pair of REL S/510 subs.

Kimber Kable speaker, power cables and interconnects. 


I should also mention that I’ve been seriously considering pulling the trigger on a Kiseki Purple Heart cartridge, although $3500 is a lot for a cartridge. Would definitely take the leap if I could find one for a little less. Any ideas where I might find a “deal”? LOL

Thanks in advance for any ideas provided here. Love reading AG threads!



you might also widen your perspective on isolation. May excellent made in USA isolation. I like HRS but there are others…many others…..nice to see others are giving you more diverse advice…

The high end Hana is worlds away from purple heart lush romantic, you seem focused on a deal vs defining where you want the system sound to go…

IF you don’t know where you are going, any positive review will get you there.

You can somewhat tame the tweeter you have w felt sheets, use a star pattern around the dome.

@tomic601 is that a Herron with a custom wood faceplate?! Looks pretty great! I really dig those wood isolation platform with the live edge too. Nice!

I wish it was easier to post pics here 😐

I don't know about your weakest link, but it looks like you've already received some good feedback.

I have the Kiseki Blue N.S. and The Hana SL.  The Hana is a great cartridge.  It's biggest strength and weakness (IMHO) is that it's incredibly neutral.  Strength, because it doesn't add or take anything away from the music, weakness, because other cartridges may be a little more lively, colorful, etc.  I definitely find the Kiseki Blue to have a bit more in the way of detail and dynamics and enjoy the sound signature.  I haven't heard the Purple Heart, but would expect it to be more of what the Blue offers.

I bought mine from seller kron here on Audiogon.  The price was very attractive.  It looks like he only has the Blackheart listed at the moment.  You might try dropping him a note and see if he can get the Purpleheart if you're looking for a good deal.  Keep in mind that it would be a grey market cartridge, with no US warranty support.  There have been reports of quality issues with some of the Kiseki cartridges. 

kron has a 100% seller rating and my experience with him was excellent and I've had no issue with my Blue.

You have a nice table and phono stage (I have a VTPH-2A also) that should respond well to a cartridge upgade.  

Some other things to consider are different speakers, room treatment, or a couple more subwoofers.  I've only heard the B&W's briefly (not sure if they were the same model), but you're not the first or only person to characterize their sound as bright.  

If you want to get rid of the brightness, different speakers and room treatment are the places to start.  Room treatments don't have to be ugly, there are some where you can have photos or art printed on them.

@paulgardner Yes a Herron on Stillpoints with a custom ambrosia maple faceplate. I auditioned 12 phono pre, the Herron was the best sounding that also could fit in < 17”. Keith is a real gentleman. The live edge California Walnut amp stand contains HRS Nimbus couplers between amp and wood and also between floor and wood. The Bardo table is on an HRS base. Greg gives excellent seasoned advice on the +/- of a grey market cartridge. Frankly your system, IF you are stuck on the B&W screams wood body Grado…. I have a Lyra but they hue to very fast and neutral.

Enjoy the journey and the music ;-) on your Nobo springs, pay attention to @oldhvymec modification advice, he has more experience than ego…and a rabbit.