Most people wind up with a lot of springs left over. They fit perfectly into a 1/4" hole. This makes it real easy to DIY extra ones. Simply drill 1/4" holes in some wood, MDF, acrylic, etc and put em together. Experiment to get the holes the right depth, maybe use some hot glue, you could do really light components with just one or two springs per pod. Another option, even easier, add weight. I have used a 5lb dive weight on my CDP for years.
All of audio is trial and error. Test and evaluate, tweak and evaluate some more. This is no different. Anyone things a system is plug and play, sorry. This one thing more than anything else will hold you back.
Corollary: learn to listen, don't waste time measuring.
Time spent writing down kg and measuring compression is time that could have been spent listening, which is the only way you get anywhere. The sooner you figure this out the faster you go.