People often say the tube has a certain sound. But with all the differences in transformers there’s no way they could possibly tell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The local tech here also pronounces trans quality especially in SET desogns,, **only the best will do..***, His pure Colbalt in the UX250 vs say Z6 or Z11 steel,
are we talking nuances of dif.
I was refering to general charachertistics f the 845,
. I’ve read good things about the 2A3,, then here we read the 845 is simply gorgeous. Another comment likes the 300 as driver stage tube,whereas my tech says avoid 300B in any part of the design. He has no sympathy for the 300B, and yet some big manufactuers employ the 300 as driver tube. I guess as with all amp designs everyone will have his particular preferences. The 2A3 arrives next month, its a intergrated with my fav pre tubes AX and AU. Last note, what keeps me away from considering the 845 amp, is the weight, All offerings are over 70 lbs,, Even though it will not be moved around much,,I just don’t want a amp over 60 lbs, as my ultimate limit as I age. The 2A3 is right at max, 60 lbs. Lower weight = cheaper trans. I get that. But it is what it is. The Defy is 70 , one is enough. 60 lbs I can lift w/o injury.