What Record Clamp for LP12?

I was told by the dealer not to use a heavy record clamp so I am looking for a Clamping Pressure lightweight clamp.
Any suggestions??

If you thing to need one, than take a light clamp, but never choose a Tonar I think its the worst thing ever designed!

I owned a table similar to the LP12, a Logic DM-101.  The problem with using a record clamp "sometimes" is that the table is balanced either with or without the clamp.  If you balance it with the clamp, the suspension will be off without it, and vice-versa.  The center of the platter isn't the center of mass of the suspended subchassis.


I think record clamps are a 'no no' with the LP12, for all of the reasons mentioned so far. IMO, if you need a record clamp, there is a big possibility that your record is warped, if that is the case, you are simply adding a band-aid to the problem, better solution is to try and source non-warped records. ( not that easy, but--) 

This might be a world record for bringing a thread back to life. 14 years!!!