Most all these people are either repeating the same old dogma, or saying whatever they think people want to hear. Either way it is BS. The idea of putting a percent on it is as unfounded as the idea of matching or "suited to" a system. The plain hard fact of the matter is really good cables are really good and will sound really good regardless of what system they go into. Period.
Not that I don't know this will trigger tons of counterpoint examples of cables that sounded bad in this case or that case. Guess what? Those cables are by definition not good. Good cables sound good, period. I have yet to find the exception to this. Anyone wants to send me some counter examples feel free.
My dealer/friend/mentor back in the 90's proved this in the clearest possible way. One time I come over, his system sounds incredibly good. Like insanely good. With a sly smile on his face he tells me, "The wire here costs TWICE everything else." Not 20%. Not 50%. Not even 100%. TWICE! Two times as much money in speaker cables, interconnects and power cords as the components they were used with.
Around this time I was building a budget system for my father in law. $1200 all-in. My main system had a $1200 interconnect in it. Just for fun I swapped it in. I was floored! That budget system was transformed! Of course it now was a $2500 system but it sure didn't sound like it.
The one thing no one wants to admit is it is hard to find this good wire. This was Synergistic Research in all cases. Sorry if this doesn't work for your brand. It works for the good ones.