Bondmanp is right. If you have a good sub that can dig deep and you're minding your own business watching a movie AND all of a sudden your clothes move before you hear anything, you have experienced room pressurization.
But don't make a buying decision based on that factor. There aren't that many movies that "stimulate" you in that way. Buy one that is clean and defined down to 20hz or so and you'll be happy.
I have an SVS PB Ultra 13 and I don't run it "hot". As much as I like bass material, I don't look for it when it's just not there on the recording.
But don't make a buying decision based on that factor. There aren't that many movies that "stimulate" you in that way. Buy one that is clean and defined down to 20hz or so and you'll be happy.
I have an SVS PB Ultra 13 and I don't run it "hot". As much as I like bass material, I don't look for it when it's just not there on the recording.