Smart power supplies for turntable

I've read a number of threads on Audiogon that address the importance of having an appropriate power source to maintain turntable speed. I live in an area with terrible power stability, at the end of a utility company's service area. We have lots of little blips, evidenced by audio equipment, tv's, etc. shutting off. I have a power conditioner (Niagra 1000) to deal with noise in the dedicated circuit for my turntable and other audio gear and a conditioner/UPS for my computer equipment.

My question is whether devices like the Clearaudio Smart Power 12v and 24v battery power supplies are a good approach to maintain turntable speed stability. Are there other conditioners or devices that can be used for a broader range of brands that perform a similar function?

Your feedback is sincerely appreciated.


cindyment makes a great point about off center drilling. It is rampant and clearly audible. If you take a test record and widen out the center hole just 1 mm and play a 100 Hz tone you will clearly hear the pitch change. If you focus on a fixed visual reference in line with the finger lift of the tonearm you will see it wander back and forth on at least 50% of the records you play. If you can see it chances are you can hear it on sustained notes. This does not mean that turntables should not be accurate but this requirement has to be put into perspective. Just a 0.5 mm displacement will produce more wow than any modern audiophile turntable that is not defective. What is even more disturbing is there is not a pressing plant alive that can reliably drill a centered hole!  The hole that centers the grooves (stamper) is punched after a cursor is visually lined up on the runout groove. The standard for this is within 0.2 mm. This requires a lot of care on the part of the operator and a machine that is properly calibrated and maintained. 

Clearaudio does not make shabby turntables and the stock power supply probably does all the filtering and regulation required for acceptable performance. Spending even more money on an outboard power supply is not likely to make an audible difference that can be heard reliably. Your brain will think it heard it only because you spent money. Don't feel bad. My brain does the same thing.