Dang it, I'm Deaf....

The worse thing that can happen to an audiophile, I'm totally deaf (technically profoundly deaf) in one ear. It all happened in about one year's time. My retirement plans for getting a huge statement system are gone with my hearing. So, I went ahead and got a cochlear implant but it is not the same as a hearing aid, it's a last resort for those that have no hearing. I can't use it when listening to music. Fortunately, my other ear is pretty good. So I experimented with my system today. I ended up with both loudspeakers about 3 feet apart and sort of favoring my bad side. It's working out pretty good. I get some hints of depth but of course no wide soundstage. I'm also experimenting with mono vs stereo. I've had the music on for most of the day.I think I'll still be able to enjoy my music but in a slightly different presentation. 

Anyway, I was wondering if anybody else with single sided hearing loss has any tips? 


There's a pretty good movie on Amazon called Sound of Metal about a drummer who loses his hearing and finally settles for a cochlear implant. It's a pretty sobering perspective from a guy who loves to drum.

i will add you to my prayer list. I know the dealer who helps the guy in the video. A super guy - Eric at Gig Harbor Audio. The mono idea has merit as does an omni. I had some hearing challenged clients long ago that all seemed to gravitate and love the Shahinian Obelisk - for what it’s worth.

Best to you


I'm really sorry to hear about your loss, Russ.

I have hyperacusis, which is the polar opposite of your condition. It's sensitivity to high frequencies that can cause migraine type pain.

I have the same problem, being completely deaf in one ear, accompanied by tinnitus.in that ear. Like you, enjoying my system was a big part of my retirement plan. It took quite a while to make peace with the hearing loss, but finally decided that there was limited time left to enjoy the music. I have a simpler 2 channel system consisting of Magnepan LRS, VTL 225 monoblocks, Rogue 99 Magnum preamp, Sota Sapphire TT, Rotel RCD 1572 CD player.. I also experimented with room placement and found that leaving the system configured for stereo but playing the system in mono was the bet compromise. Obviously you have a more complex system,. but just wanted to acknowledge that there are fellow sufferers..  

OK let me explain:

I'm 54.  When I turned 53, I woke up one January morning and something was very different. My head felt subtly different. I had a fullness in bass for about 2 weeks before this but now it seemed I had no bass in my left ear.  I did a frequency sweep test on YouTube and discovered that I lost everything below 400hz and everything about 8000hz.  Everything in the middle of that was slightly subdued.

I've had a 8000hz notch since an ear infection at age 25. but could hear above and below that fine.

I was so sad, depressed and angry. 

I live near the Keck School of Medicine (La Crescenta, California) so I quickly started getting treatment and hearing tests to get my hearing back. I got prednisone treatment and an injection directly through my eardrum.  Talk about painful!

After about 3 months of treatment and testing, they basically gave up and suggested a hearing aid.

About this time, my brother was visiting from Florida and had needed a case study volunteer to finish his Homeopathy degree. Someone had dropped out and he needed to fill that spot. I volunteered and half-jokingly asked 'can you get my hearing back?'.  He smiled and said 'I'm pretty sure I can'.  I was skeptical but had nothing to lose.

He explained that he would not treat my ear.  He would treat my body...get it back in balance...and the body would heal itself. I felt fine otherwise so not sure why he would need to treat my body...I'm relatively fit.

3 days of 1 hour sessions simply asking me lots of questions. Questions that go back as far as I could remember. What childhood illnesses had I encountered (mumps etc,), What antibiotics had I taken and for what reason. Am I often thirsty for water? Is one side of my body cold? Do I sleep on my side or back? How is my libido? Do I prefer warm drinks or cold drinks...etc,etc, 

Then a single treatment: A pill in a glass of water shaken 10 times...then a tablespoon of the water.  Throw the rest of the water out and done.

(I will not tell you the name of the remedy, because for each person it will be different...even for the same problem).

Weeks went by with no change.  My brother would call and ask if I had a reaction.  'What reaction?' I asked. 'You'll know' he said. Everyone has a different reaction.

Another week...no reaction. Then, I wake up one morning, feel dizzy and vomit. I skip work because I believe that I had Covid. Next morning I feel fine...actually better than fine so I get in my truck to go to work and the truck sounds funny. It's a new truck so I'm hoping and praying it's my hearing coming back.  Yup! over the next three days hearing is back like a vengeance.

Still have the 8000hz notch but now able to hear down to 23hz and up to 17kz.

Also: No more eczema, better sense of smell, better balance.  Used to wake up at 3am and stumble to the bathroom holding furniture occasionally...now I wake up and just walk...great balance!

Had no idea that 54 felt this good.  I feel better now than I did at 47.  I had suffered a very slow and constant decline over about 7 years and did not know!

Take my advice, don't give up. 

And try homeopathy. It works.