My first thought is -Don't do it.
My second is to contact Vandersteen. Mr. V. will probably answer you the next day.
Vandersteens-- Removing M5-HPs for a Digital Xover?
Hi. Quick survey of people that have removed the M5-HP when using a processor/preamp that can do the Xover internally and how much of a sonic difference there was. I guess there is just something comforting about having the physical Xover in-line when the manual (I have Quatros) talks of all the driver damage that will occur if they are used without a Xover. I just upgraded my pre/pro to a Theta Casablanca that can do it internally. I would assume that there would be some kind of difference due to eliminating the parts inside the M5 and the electric change of having dissimilar metals between my interconnects and the pigtails of the M5s. I know that hearing it is the only proof but wanted to see others’ opinions. Thanks.
Why would you want to do that? Are they not bi-amp capable? How many separate amplifiers are you planning to use with them? If you're going to use an amplifier for each driver, lows, mids and high frequencies, 3 or more like I'm doing, well maybe. I'm multi-amping using an electronic crossover and nothing between the drivers and amplifiers but copper wire. Risky, but in my opinion worth the risk. Best wishes. |
Thanks. Yes, I asked Richard, and he said to leave them but also said that it can be done. So..? I didn't want to press him on it. I never had a processor that could define the slope before like this one so that I know I am getting it exactly right. He said a Butterworth Xover would work, though, which this can do, at 100Hz. 6dB slope, I believe. Seems like it would be sound better to bypass them. The Theta does the digital realm so well. |
To have a cleaner signal path. Not bi-amping. If you know Vandersteens, they all have a Xover if they have a sub. I's just the design. Thanks for your input. |