Opinions On DACs Around 1,000$

I find it hard to get a hold of the world of dacs, and I’m seeking some advice.  Will be upgrading in the near future to something in the 1,000$ price range. currently running the dac in my Cambridge Audio stream magic 6 which is ok. I had a Musical Fidelity v90 that died which I preferred to the Cambridge. Anyways I’m stuck between the idea of buying an older top dac such as a Airalic Vega and newer designs like the Denafrips. I feel 1,000 doesn’t get you a lot with newer dacs. While used dacs like the Vega were 3,500$ not long ago and raved about. This is where I get confused. My previous experience with dacs has been that differences are pretty small. That’s why I’ve yet to invest in something nicer. My system has evolved nicely though and I’m optimistic I can get good returns on a bigger investment. Then I read on one of the big magazines them saying a pro-ject pre box s2 was near state of the art. These kinds of comments make me wonder again if a dac is not the best place to spend my money. I have never read a review about an amp or speakers that cost 500, and the reviewer saying they are near state of the art. Let me know what you think. Any opinions or advice will be appreciated. 


Never owned one.

I suspect it is entirely a matter of personal choice. What someone else chose last year or before has little bearing in what you like best of current offerings.

But I do see $1200-$1300 as more of a suite spot.

My previous experience with dacs has been that differences are pretty small.

Yeah, no.  If you don’t get the info from the start it don’t get added back in elsewhere.  Listen, DACs make a HUGE difference in your ultimate performance, but only if the rest of your system is up to the task.  Tell us what the rest of equipment is in your system and what improvements/sound characteristics you’re after and you’ll get some really good suggestions here.  Without that critical info this is just a total crapshoot and you’ll get recommendations all over the place. 

I feel your pain. Ah this topic which had, and still has me scratching my head. I started getting back into music after a long absence during Covid,,,,,I was out of work for nearly a year, so of course why not put together a system. Anyway, long story short. I was gifted a little Schitt dac and bought a Pro-ject Stream Box Ultra 2 not really knowing anything except i definitely did not want a computer in the sound path. That and a subscription to Qobuz kept me busy while I streamed for new music and casual listening. There was no real magic on this DAC. While serious listening was happening on my Nottingham Space 294, I delved into the whole streaming thing and dac’s in particular. My eyes glazed over.
I decided not to chase the technology and recently bought a used Antelope Zodiac Plus with power supply, which I am still working with and trying to understand. It was a fairly high flyer when it came out - not DSD and I don’t think I care.
After the recent addition of good interconnects, I can honestly say it is getting closer to my analog side....sometimes very close but not there. Now I’m considering the master clock that compliments this unit and doing my research.
I’m pleased with where it all is. It sounds damn good with room for improvement.
Bottom line what made my decision was simple when I asked myself: How wrong can I go? Best with your search - enjoy it most of all.