Thank you millercarbon

Early this year when I built my first M101 Supernova power cable I was really excited. At the time I had Nordost Odin2 to compare. Odin2 is incredibly fast and detailed power cable. One can wonder what the new Odin Gold does. Anyway, when I listened to Supernova I was not losing any speed or detail and yet I was getting bigger soundstage and more relaxed presentation. I have never imagined that I would be able to build a power cable competing with the best of the big brand. So MONEOONE was born. And this is where millercarbon comes in. Chuck was very skeptical about DIY and I needed someone like that to use the cables first and verify the quality. Chuck was so excited about the cables that he had to tell the world immediately what he heard. Fast forward, the first official review of M101 Supernova was published today.


Chuck was spot on with his assessment of the cable performance and instrumental in helping me with starting the business. I will continue working with him in the future because his assessment is precise and his advice is honest and thorough to the best of his knowledge.

Thank you Chuck.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmoneoone      For millercarbon on high efficient speakers....explained by Steve Deckert from Decware......

Myself I find it interesting. A guy can build a power cord. Make a business out of and be hated by others for no reason. If you don't want to buy his product, don't. But myself I think he has a good idea.

Question...  If you buy one and you actually hear no or minimal difference on your system between the power-cord you have now and this one, can you return it ? !  This may end up being the "Law of Diminishing-Returns"...  Except for those with gobs of discretionary income, getting to 99% from 97% seems to go nearly exponential in $$$ !  

Thanks for the prompt responses...  In my older age (and now semi-retired) I have less discretionary income and any future changes to my system have to be really considered as to cost/benefit.  Years ago, I would change equipment often chasing the "absolute-sound" and most of my changes did make enough of a difference (at least in my mind !) to warrant the cost, but some definitely didn't...  I have found though that years ago, treating the room acoustics and balancing things from those perspectives can make a HUGE difference in listening enjoyment.  

About 10 years ago, I had an audiophile friend being over a pair of power-cables that his friend made.  They were I believe about 9-gauge copper however had some powerful neodymium magnets just before the two ends of the cable.  Just powering up the amps, I noticed a slightly diminished noise-floor and listening to familiar music, that lowered noise-floor helped flesh out some micro-dynamics which made my listening more pleasurable.  I believe those cost me about $250-each and in my opinion, were well worth the investment.  The same cables on the preamp power-supplies made no appreciable difference, hence I didn't buy them.  

Regarding the power-cable discussed in this thread, my hat is off to capitalism, and to innovativeness in stretching the imagination enough coupled with engineering prowess to make changes and improvements to the age-old simple power delivery cord !  I just wish they weren't so damn-expensive !  Remember...  Everything you do from the wall-outlet to the transducer affects everything you hear to some degree...  It's just that some things aren't audible...