Is participating in this Forum infringing on and spoiling some of your listening time?

I think the question is listening vs reading. I have a great system that I adore. However, I regularly check my email, read the news and then go to this Forum… all while listening to music. All while not giving my undivided attention my music time.

I do look up frequently and marvel but get it gets a bit boring to just look at the space between the speakers.

Think my eyes need to be engaged as well as my ears. 
When at a live performance, I do watch the performers. I don’t close my eyes and just space out.

However, I do frequently enjoy listening to my system and going into a meditative space. But while involved with the Forum, etc, I do split my attention.


Glad I posted this thread.

I have kept splitting my attention but now more scan what I look at and pay more attention to the music. Notice that when I follow my breath the music pulls me into a meditative state. It’s like I breath in the music. Interesting…

I've heard Steve Guttenberg define audiophiles as people who do nothing else while listening to music.


With the TV between my speakers, I like to watch people walk the streets of other country’s on YouTube in 4k while listening, on occasion. I guess I can’t always be an audiophile.