Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.

Sorry for digging up this thread.

I just bought the inakustik 3500p due to my great experience with the brand and convinced by the great reviews here. 

Can I check, since the plugs do not state which are high current, I assume I can use any plugs for amp and any plugs for my computer?


Is there a best-practice to which plug should I use for each component? 

Hi yunie,

I believe all the outlets on the 3500p are identical.  That is due to the star wiring with nothing in series.


For me, I would consider  keeping the computer, or any wall wart type switching  transformer, off of that entire circuit (not just off of the 3500p or the outlet it is plugged into, but the entire circuit.


Even if you have to run an extension cord to a separate power center or strip, I believe it keeps the computer 'noise' out of your audio circuit(s).

I love my 3500p, not just for its sonic cleaness, but for the protection it provides.



+1 @fastfreight 

My laptop power is connected to a outlet which is not on the dedicated line. While using my laptop as the source, I simply unplug the power cord from the laptop and use it on battery power. I have changed the power option to "performance". The only reason for not connecting the laptop power supply to the Inakustik is I feel, it might introduce noise in the line. But I could be wrong.

@yunie_ , as fastfreight mentioned, you can use any port on the Inakustik to power the amp. You can experiment with the computer plugged in to the Inakustik and see if you prefer it that way. It is a conditioner, filter and surge protector. I love it for the musicality and the "clean musical experience" it provided in my system. Do let us know about your experience with the Inakustik.

Just installed the new Inakustik 4500 conditioner in my system and another layer of transparency peeled off. Now the image is more sublime and speakers fully disappeared in front of me. It was pretty good before this change, but it feels that 4500 just lines all the ducks in the perfect row. Bass is more defined and decay tones create goose bumps. Particularly piano and strings 

Thsi conditioner has dedicated analog and digital plugs. Only on day 2 of listening - no break in was needed to easily identify improvements and I expect it to only get better from here after some time. 

Bob @worldwidewholesales has been telling me exactly this for months, but I thought my previous conditioner was as good as any. He knows this stuff and he made this process very easy. Been working with Bob for a while now and can say only good things about our relationship and his expertise.