How much gear do you own?

Do you have multiples of amps, preamps, speakers, cables, etc?

I do, and am starting to realize it's leaning hard toward a sickness rather than a passionate hobby.  Either that, or I'm getting up in age and tired of all the "stuff" I've acquired taking up so much space.

I went through a phase about ten years ago where I got tired of stereo gear and dumped most of it.  I really regretted it after a few years and acquired most (and then much more) back.

But this time it feels different somehow.  And I really think it has to do with my age...pushing 60.

Others go through this?



We have too much stuff in general and it's indicative of something, overall, about our lifestyle.

As for audio, I don't have that much -- ss and tube amp, 1 dac, 1 streamer, 1 cd transport; I'm thinking about getting another pair of speakers to try to have some variety, and it does make me feel conflicted. In part this is because I've realized that a lot of gear worth having is expensive and I'm not necessarily desiring having a pile of cash sunk into objects going unused a fair portion of the time.

I have a great MAGICO system I only get one of each amp, preamp,cd player etc.

at 60 I am also thinning the herd considerably……. My goal for 2022 is to get down to a single TT …. wish me luck

I am a junkyard Robot in a Cartier world