Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's

Just replaced my Wells Majestic integrated with a Hegel H390. I've been using A. Zen Silver Reference with the very warm-sounding Wells and have a feeling the more neutral voicing of the Hegel might be better matched with copper cables. 

I'm not sure whether to go with the Matrix or the Absolute Copper and am wondering whether anyone can comment on the differences between these two. 


I wouldn’t rush to judgement on the Silver Refs if you haven’t tried them with the Hegel yet.  Not a big fan of the Matrix ll — doesn’t have the rich warmth and tone of the original Matrix, and the treble sounds more unrefined as well.  If the Silver Refs don’t work I’d go with the Absolute Copper as it’s probably more befitting of an amp at the level of the 390, FWIW.  Best of luck. 

I have used the AZ Matrix IIs, Silver Reference, and the Absolute Coppers and Silvers. I ended up with Absolute Copper. I note that the Absolute Silver is no longer available - not sure why. Don’t generally care for silver ICs or speaker wiring and this time was no exception. That doesn’t mean it won’t work for you in your system.

One thing I would add is you have no idea what your cable sounds like unless you use a cable burner. I like the Audio Dharma. Oh, and cables benefit from a reburn every 6-12 months too.

Good luck.





I've been listening to the Hegel with the Silver Reference IC's. The sound can be a touch bright with some CDs and given that 1) the Hegel is much more resolving than the Wells and 2) I'd prefer more warmth if I can get it and still maintain the same resolution, I can't help but wonder whether trying the Matrix or Absolute Coppers wouldn't constitute "due diligence".  



Thanks so much for your descriptions. I read a comment on another site that concurs with your characterization of the Matrix. To my ears, the Silver Reference were just right for the Wells and Aqua DAC but each to his/her own. Looks like borrowing some Absolute Coppers from the Cable Co's lending library will be my next step. 

Looks like borrowing some Absolute Coppers from the Cable Co’s lending library will be my next step.

Why do that? Just buy a used pair for about half price and if they don’t work out you can sell them easily for little/no loss as there’s a pretty liquid market for AZ cables. If you’re looking for XLR there are a couple available at US AudioMart now.

agree, i had no trouble selling some AZ Silver cables a while back. I think they represent fantastic value, especially used. Good luck on your quest and enjoy the music !
