At age 62, I've become tired of having a bunch of stuff. A year or so ago I thinned down my LP collection to about 1000. 800 of them fit nicely into a single record rack in my audio room. The remaining 200 are family keepsakes that I don't listen to, but can't let go. They are in boxes in the storage room.
Last week I sold 3 turntables, an amp and a pair of speakers. Still have 2 inexpensive phono pre-amps for sale on my local Craigslist. If they don't sell soon, I'll list them nationally.
When winter ends I'm going to start working on the garage. Need to get rid of the f-ing boat that prevents us from parking any cars in there. Need to thin the herd of bicycles to N+1. Currently at N+5. Also need to get rid of a bunch of auto parts I purchased for upgrading a couple of cars I no longer own.
I hope to continue to rid myself of unused stuff. Would love to greatly reduce the clutter in the house and garage.