Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists?

When these two camps retire to their listening rooms, which school of thought tends to get better sound? Those who ultimately place their faith in measurements above actually listening to their systems? Or those of us who look at measurements, but ultimately make our decisions based on what subjectively sounds best to us?


Discovering which measurements are important, and in which order is a bit like getting a Rubik's Cube solved, it's no mistake when it's correct and can be repeated.

One of the main reasons I like reading many opinions of people who also enjoy our hobby, you just never know when they will share a bit of Golden knowledge that elevates your own, and in turn your system when implemented.

It’s fine if someone chooses not to listen to something, because they “know” it can’t possibly make a difference in the sound, or for any other reason. In doing so, though, they give up the ability to make any credible observations about whether or not it makes an audible difference, or what the difference is.


Well, now, if someone tells me, or a group of "certified audiophiles" tell me, to hop up and drop a big 'ol steamer on top of my amplifier - no, I'm not going to do it and listen (or challenge my other oganoleptic senses) to see if makes any difference in sound. Now, should they explain to me a plausible mechanism whereby their claimed "improvements" could be effectuated by said steamer...well, no, in this instance I still wouldn't care. Point being, extraordinary claims demand extraordinary (or jeez, at least Ordinary) evidence of a plausible mechanism.

Psycho-acoustic is not subjectivist nor objectivist....

The better sounding system is always the best acoustically embedded one...

All the rest is upgrading marketing conditionment in all audio thread...

Timbre tonal playing microstructure EXPERIENCE is related to a specfic ears in a specific room...

Controlling the acoustical factors in relation to specific gear Is way more important than just using a tool to measure an amplifier quality or cherry pick amplifier by ears...The last two is not the end of the process, it is not even the beginning of the process...


Music listening is an esthetical and spiritual acoustically CONTROLLED experience in a room ...Like a musician controlling his playing body....

In the 2 cases timbre optimal perception is the key....


The worst system is the one created by objectivist, then less worst by subjectivist, the better one is created by an acoustician...


Some will demand an explanation of how something works before they are willing to try it, but, if it works (produces the desired results), no explanation is required for it to do so.