Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 I2S pin definition

After reading up on the 3 recent threads discussing how fantastic the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 is, I am going to purchase one. I am curious if anyone knows its I2S pin definition?

Thanks for any information!



@wharfy ,

Hi, you are making a good choice. I received nearly 10 years of wonderful sound and reliability from the PWT. It’s better than many available CD transports in my opinion.

The Pro-Ject transport is simply a level above in every conceivable way. I’m waiting for a linear power supply. Matched with a good quality DAC and you’ll have a fantastic digital front end source. Yes it is small in size, but powerful in performance. 


@wharfy I took Terry’s recommendation and switched to the Black Cat digi 110 XLR, over my past Snake River Audio Boomslang, which was to warm for my current system. Great cable (the SRA), I just needed neutrality for this spot and the Black Cat does that. 

@jriggy -Thanks for the info.

I ordered the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2T, 4 Orea Bronze isolators and an Audioquest AES/EBU. I'll find out soon when to expect delivery. With the changes I've made to my system recently, an ARC pre-amp, a L.K.S Audio MH-DA005 DAC, I "think" I've assembled my ideal set-up. It's revealing, articulate, PRAT, expansive 3D soundscape, and  just the slightest touch of warmth to tame the higher frequencies that trigger tinnitus from time to time.

I appreciate everyone sharing their impressions and info.


"I think I’ve assembled my ideal set-up"

Well, it sure looks good to me (What amplifier and speakers?). Please let us know your early listening impressions if you don’t mind. As you probably know this transport is supplied with a wall wart power supply. Nonetheless it sings!!!😊


I have read very things about your chosen DAC.


@charles1dad -Thanks for the kind words. I have an ARC 28SE, ARC 75SE and ProAc 30R speakers. I put together my system because it makes the jazz music I listen to sound fabulous. 

I'll certainly share my impressions. And yes, what people have said about the DAC is correct.

I've read about the wall wart power supply and the outboard power supply upgrade. That's down the road.
