Has anyone heard the new Eric Alexander signature speakers the matrix LS?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xraysmtb1

Not dipole. The back firing drivers are for ambience. Don't even know if in or out of phase. The one guy who has them hasn't said much other than how awesome they are. He is also doing a crossover upgrade similar to mine, only better. A bona-fide SOTA sound quality speaker, without the Faberge Egg price tag.

They all look the same……..


for rear firing drivers, I would go with the new Axiom ones.


teks are interesting..

I remember hearing Ezra's (RIP) all BE Ulfberths...within seconds it was obvious Eric was onto something very special. I'd love to listen to this new effort.

@millercarbon  Do you know where the member who 'commissioned' this Matrix LS is located? 

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Knowing his designs the be tweeters are not the issue as much as the Xover itself which 

the parts are at best average ,I hav3 helped rebuild several. and when you ask him he says cannot  show Xover 

Its proprietary , it’s theQuality of the build In question not as much the design 

and the cabinet design rings like a 🔔 vibration = distortions , He should at least put black hole or other damping materials ,and or bracing especially on these  $$ designs.