When Jim Winey brought out Magnepan speakers it made most of these electrostatic and hybrids obsolete.
This is because that, while being more accurate than cones and boxes alone, they are shrill and cause listening fatigue after a short time. They are also prone to blowing out--try an early Phase Linear on them at any volume--and they are expensive and difficult to repair (I did it in my shop--not easy).
For contrast, my 1975 Tympani I-C speakers sound just as good today as they did when new, and I have NEVER had any issues with them at all no matter HOW LOUDLY or softly I play them with very good electronics, which are required for accurate speakers.
They were fun when new, and certainly helped lead the way to Maggies, but they did not make the long haul. If I am not mistaken, Magnepan is still in business and innovating every year. Try them IN YOUR ROOM and see for yourself.