Tube Amp for Klipsch Forte IV's? Black Ice F-22 or Willsenton R8 with upgraded tubes?

I can get the Black Ice for around 2700.00 CAD and the Willsenton for 2000.00 CAD

The Willsenton would include three upgraded Psvane pre amp tubes (the other two are stock) and four upgraded powertubes, Psvane PH's

F22 shows 50w per channel, Wilsenton 40w ultra liner and 25w triode

I may also pair the amp with a Sonus Faber Lumina V also which is 50w recommended min

thanks in advance for any input



I had the Forte IIIs and moved up to Cornwall IVs. 

I drove the Fortes with all sorts of amps of varying power levels.  

The Willsenton is a very, very good amp.  You should also look at Doge Audio. They use better parts than Willsenton--the owner/engineer left Jolida out of creative differences.  He puts really good parts quality in the Doge product.  

A used Primaluna could be competitive.  I liked one with my Fortes.  

Better still (but not integrated) is the Carver Crimson 275.  Klipsch Heritage swings, sings, and boogies with that amp. 

I am running my Forte IV with Quicksilver mid monos.  Mike makes great stuff!!!   40 watts is more than plenty in my room ....  that said you should definitely check out the Quicksilver Integrated Amp.  It’s 20 watts of EL 84 goodness.  Quality is high for the money.  

Sorry just re read and saw you are looking for around 50 w. ...  check out Rogue 

Here's an idea that I have been kicking around since receiving my Forte 4's .

How about a Coincident Dynamo 34se mk III ? It is an integrated using EL-34's

in a single ended topology . Only 8 watts but they should be healthy watts

and hundreds of dollars less than the two others. Although I don't know about

the other speakers .

The Forte's are listed at 99db. eff. but are generally accepted to be closer to

@96db . 

Just a thought .

Good luck & be safe .