Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 I2S pin definition

After reading up on the 3 recent threads discussing how fantastic the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 is, I am going to purchase one. I am curious if anyone knows its I2S pin definition?

Thanks for any information!




Given our very similar taste in music I believe that you’ll enjoy this recording.

NYC jazz pianist Tardo Hammer "Look, Stop and Listen" trio format. A tribute to the music/compositions of Tadd Dameron (I suspect you know of him😊).

It’s both well recorded (Full weight piano/bass and dynamic drum kit sound) and terrific playing. Excellent interaction between the 3 musicians. A beautiful mixture of ballads and up tempo Bop.


@charles1dad -"When you receive the Pro-Ject this Friday,  compare piano and acoustic stand up bass to your Cambridge.  I'm curious to read what you hear. Pro -Ject will noticeably improve within the first few hours of continuous use."

Yes, I plan to do just that.

I have a favorite listening test CD, 2 copies in fact, Tete Montoliu-Catalonian Fire, that I am going to use. I can sample back and forth. Recorded live, the personnel is Montoliu on piano, Niels Pedersen  on stand-up bass and Albert Heath on drums.

This is one of a series of CDs recorded in 1974. The music is rhythmic and inventive. Like the awesome Tardo Hammer CD you recommended (I'm "mad about Tad", btw) the collaboration and interplay is fantastic. 

Mixture of ballads and bebop are my breadbasket.


Post removed 


"Mixture of ballads and bebop are my breadbasket."


You are my brother from another mother.😊

Tete Montoliu, you have excellent taste!

I’m glad to know that you enjoyed the Tardo Hammer tribute to Tadd Dameron.

Given the level of your Audio system, and how you listen, Friday is going to be a very pleasant day.😊
