Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to

Is anyone else somewhat frustrated at the inability to audition the 20.7s except at a very very few locations in the country? The fly to MN to hear does not really appeal to me either because let's be real, an hour listening to decide on 14K speakers in a strange system is simply not enough and in MN they do not do a side by side with the 3.7s to allow auditioning both through same electronics any way.

I recently purchased Maggie 3.7s with the option to upgrade to 20.7s within 6 months . The 3.7s to my ear are a cut above the 3.6s when it comes to sounding like a single cohesive speaker versus the ribbon tweeter always drawing some attention to itself.

Problem is how do you tell if upgrade from 3.7 to 20.7 is worth it if the dealers do not have them on floor? The best would be to audition in you home on your equipment but at least if the dealers had both you could audition where the only variable is the speaker.

I have spoken wo Wendell about it and there is 1 dealer who Boston who will let you try and return but that is virtually an isolated approach..one which I applaud. Of course they have to really qualify the buyer but again, if you have 3.7s and want to upgrade, Magnepan and most dealers expect you to "buy on faith or reviews" which in my mind, in today's economy, is simply ridiculous. While I am sure some have bought them "blind", the argument that the 20.1s were better than the 3.6s so imagine how much better the 20.7s are the the 3.7s will not make me pull the trigger.

Long winded way of asking about others experience and opinion of how Magnepan and dealers are handling the 20.7s

Quote: "I would not be surprised to see Maggies at Best Buys hi end business." -- Buconero117

Wow, I would be surprised to see Best Buy still in business in 5 years. I hate to say it, but all the things we love, bookstores, newspapers, HiFi shops will be few and far between. You will find a few independent shops but I just don't know how the pre internet business model can continue.

The lending program is a great idea. Hope it catches on.
07-08-12: Honeybee2012
I hate to say it, but all the things we love, bookstores, newspapers, HiFi shops will be few and far between.
Sadly true.
The lending program is a great idea. Hope it catches on.
Honeybee, a fellow dreamer! :-)

Where is AC? "As in over at AC...."
I think we may be surprised when audio comes back some, and maybe even on Main Street. It seems people are indeed concerned about sound quality. I saw an ad featuring some "Beats" speakers on a tablet computer. I can't be sure that there won't just be a resurgence of a great mid-fi boom like there was in the 70s. That will still leave the more hardcore aficianados who are really into Hi-Fi where we are now, as a miniscule or so it seems, minority. As you said a guy cvan dream can't he?
I ran into the same issues, so I opted to fly up to White Bear Lake for a personal listen. Wendell and everyone at the factory were very nice. Wendell gave me a personal tour of the factory that lasted almost two hours! Then I spent three hours listening to the 20.7's in their factory listening room (ideal room dimensions, but very sparse room treatments, electronics, and ammenities)... However, even under those less than ideal listening conditions I was able to be convinced that the new 20.7's are several notches above my old 3.6's; so I immediatey ordered a new pair from one of my local dealers (neither dealer in my town will ever have the 20.7's).

Btw, not too awfully far from Magnepan at White Bear Lake is a good hi-end dealer called, Audio Perfection. I spent half a day there listening to 3.7's and the Wilson Sophias and Sashas before visiting Magnepan. So, over a quick three day weekend I was able to hear the 3.7's, 20.7's, and several very good Wilsons. Ultimately, I felt that the 20.7's were the best speakers overall. The 3.7's are a " best buy" and a truly awesome speaker for the money.

My 20.7's should arrive in Sept (I hope...)
The 20.7 is one of the better deals in loudspeakers today. If you like the 3.7 you'll like the 20.7 too.