The Audiophile Community Has a Problem: Part Deux The Saga Continues?

My original post was just to provoke some thought and to share an interesting article.

Some may have took it personal, your right to do so.

Others had an opinion and that was the idea, here is part 2 .

No comments about Sin as we are all guilty of being a part of the male anatomy from time to time (Pot meet kettle).

Hope this gets us all thinking and conversation continues.

Read the articles.

We need to be polite. Yes, audio breeds strong opinions, but that doesn’t give us the excuse to be rude or snide. One can disagree without argument and even suggest reasons why they disagree without becoming unpleasant.

Do you argue like this with co-workers when you disagree with something at work?

I can suggest a good therapist if that’s the case.



I was tossed off a FB forum for posting a link to a used amplifier that was the name of the forum. Clearly money biased because the dealers were allowed to consistently post. 

All this shows is its individuals not groups. You found a group with the wrong individuals in charge. I had a similar experience. FB turntable group. Hardly anyone ever gets the chance to hear high end turntables, arms, etc compared. Since I had a new Origin Live Sovereign coming I let them know anyone who can make it welcome to come and hear. Post removed, in minutes, no reason given even when I asked. I let them know thanks but no thanks I am gone from this group. Never have gone back. Refuse to contribute.

Same exact post, literally cut and pasted into FB Tekton Owner's Group, not one single word changed, whole bunch of people interested and a few even came. 

Both groups are audiophiles. One just unfortunately infested with and run by the wrong individuals. You say clearly it is a money bias. But who knows? Could be any of a number of biases. Only thing we know for sure, it ain't a audiophile bias.

It’s a bunch of whining and puffery waiting for a place to happen, nothing to do with the subject. There are punks in all hobbies.

Just the other day, somebody belittled another person’s system. What a goofus.



“ Post removed, in minutes, no reason given even when I asked. I let them know thanks but no thanks I am gone from this group. Never have gone back. Refuse to contribute.“


I imagine that they are devastated that they ‘Lost’ you 🤣

I wasn't just removed, I can't even see the forum anymore. What is that, blocked?