Here is something I just read today, which I thought it was very relevant to this thread:
But, what Trump absolutely did do is drastically lower the bar on what we expect from our public figures. Rather than at least attempting to be a role model, public figures followed Trump's lead: Prioritizing rudeness and cruelty over decency and respect.
Role models were once a real thing. A person that, due to success in sports, politics or business, others -- especially kids -- looked up to. And who understood the expectations that such a status in society conveyed.
Behavior like that of **** suggests the idea of a role model has been diminished and in its place has emerged the internet troll.
I know which one I prefer.
The Point: Rudeness begets rudeness. Disrespect begets disrespect. And when someone like **** ignores the societal obligation his wealth and success have granted him, it sets a terrible example for those who look up to him.