The Audiophile Community Has a Problem: Part Deux The Saga Continues?

My original post was just to provoke some thought and to share an interesting article.

Some may have took it personal, your right to do so.

Others had an opinion and that was the idea, here is part 2 .

No comments about Sin as we are all guilty of being a part of the male anatomy from time to time (Pot meet kettle).

Hope this gets us all thinking and conversation continues.

Read the articles.

We need to be polite. Yes, audio breeds strong opinions, but that doesn’t give us the excuse to be rude or snide. One can disagree without argument and even suggest reasons why they disagree without becoming unpleasant.

Do you argue like this with co-workers when you disagree with something at work?

I can suggest a good therapist if that’s the case.



Our previous president was criticized for being crass and crude. His admirers loved and said that is how they knew he was "real" and they could trust him to tell it like it is.

Apologies for touching upon politics, as it should not be part of this forum. But this is 100% true. That’s when suddenly rudeness, being crass, crude, and impolite, became mainstream and the norm. Let’s face it. Leadership has an impact. Even if just in subconscious behaviors.

Here is something I just read today, which I thought it was very relevant to this thread:



But, what Trump absolutely did do is drastically lower the bar on what we expect from our public figures. Rather than at least attempting to be a role model, public figures followed Trump's lead: Prioritizing rudeness and cruelty over decency and respect.

Role models were once a real thing. A person that, due to success in sports, politics or business, others -- especially kids -- looked up to. And who understood the expectations that such a status in society conveyed.

Behavior like that of **** suggests the idea of a role model has been diminished and in its place has emerged the internet troll.

I know which one I prefer.

The Point: Rudeness begets rudeness. Disrespect begets disrespect. And when someone like **** ignores the societal obligation his wealth and success have granted him, it sets a terrible example for those who look up to him.

Role models were once a real thing.

I did not have sex with that woman. Depends on what the meaning of is is. Renting the Lincoln bedroom out for pillow fights. Deplorables. You didn’t build that. You ain’t black. And the, you know, the thing.

I’ll take Because you'd be in jail over that any day. All day long.