RIP oregonpapa

Today, oregonpapa (Frank) passed away. He will be greatly missed by many of us on Audiogon. I got to know him about a year ago personally, having had many phone calls with him over that time. He was a delightfully kind man, who freely shared his wisdom with others. Bedsides high end audio, , Frank was very knowlegable about world history and politics. Good bye my friend. Jeff


😔 ...y'know...we ought to have brought all this up when O.P. was still with us.....

RIP, Frank. Nirvana attained....fared thee well.

learned so much from o-papa, especially about analog and cartridges, even 20 +years into the hobby myself

always generous, gentlemanly, self effacing, unfailingly struck the right notes with his comments - we will miss you

rest in peace, am sure the music is joyous and beautiful where you are now 😇

Very sorry to hear of Frank's passing. I always enjoyed reading his posts, which were invariably enthusiastic and generous. He was that rare audiophile who seemed to love music as much as his gear. I especially loved his posts on jazz. RIP, Frank. You'll be missed.