When using jumper cables instead of biwire speaker cables, do the jumpers need to be as good a quality or better than the actual quality of the  speaker wires? The jumpers need to be 6” to 9” long. Also is it better to hook the main speaker wires to the low end and then run the jumpers to the high end or visa versa?


@jerryg123 , I'm down with your preference on that call. *G*

Does a 3 have an 'insane mode', or just a 'somewhat disturbed' setting? *L*


" 'Bot's it to ya? " 🤪

When I used jumpers I used the same as my speaker wires.  However, I upgraded my speaker wires to bi-wire.

I use much higher quality jumpers than speaker wire. And it sounds better than the stock jumpers that came with my Tannoy Turnberrys.

I have also tried every jumper configuration and run speaker wire to the high frequency side first. There’s just more musical content there. But my system does not suffer from lack of low end...and I don’t run subs, so try everything. Every system is different...even the same system in a different room may require a different approach.

High quality jumpers for sure. I use Walker Silver Jumpers. Always connect main speaker wires to the woofer LF first then jump to HF from there. LF needs more power first then HF.  At least that’s what my understanding.