Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 I2S pin definition

After reading up on the 3 recent threads discussing how fantastic the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 is, I am going to purchase one. I am curious if anyone knows its I2S pin definition?

Thanks for any information!



Presently it will be a MHDT Orchid, modified by Grannyring. I'm considering the upcoming Mojo Mystique X among other possibilities.


Thanks,  I  believe that you're going to be very happy with your decision. I know that @grannyring did an excellent modification job for you. The Pro-Ject will exploit the full potential of his work.😊


I2s is fine I had transport coax into chord qutest then changed dac to project and used i2s. To be fair very similar sound although project dac sound better iS2 compared to coax

It arrived! I rushed home from work, doing my best to obey speed limits and full stops at stop signs. Took about 20 minutes to set-up. Tete Montoliu in the tray.First impressions-Incredible!

PRAT-best I have experienced

Depth of the soundstage.

The speakers disappear. 

Attack and decay-wow!

Presence and the "weight" of the instruments-the space between instruments has dimensionality. I am in the room with the musicians. 

The drums have full presence. And this is just one CD out of the box.

Compared to my Cambridge transport (which is very good at its price point), what an upgrade!

If you all could see the smile on my face.

Stay tuned...