Most effective way to add room correction?

I currently have a bluesound Node2i using Schiit Bifrost 2 Dac to a Rogue Cronus II. I am looking to add room correction and was wondering the best path to take.


Love the Studio. First streamer I got after Bluesound.

As s bonus it plays Pandora free. And with a headphone amp.

Streams best with BubbleUPnP (Qobuz & Tidal) but the installed custom Volumio works.

Matches well with an UltraCap 1.2.

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I'm looking for more of just a room correction method since I already have amplification and a decent dac. I was looking at the paradigm pw link and it seems promising 

The most effective way to add room correction is amazingly enough,

start with treating the room then move forward with

{DSP} digital signal processing.

This is the order the professionals use.

This due to DSP inherently having limitations that are lessened by

physical room treatments.