How do you get Happy as an Audiophile?

There’s an interesting, relatively modern take on mental health called Positive Psychology. While not without it’s faults and detractors, PP has a very interesting approach. Instead of asking questions on the axis of illness and diagnosis PP asks questions on the scale of happiness:

What is it that makes you more or less content with your life and in your pursuits? How can these actions, events or states be codified and applied as general principles?

In the spirit of PP then I ask:

How do you get happy? What advice would you give an audiophile that asks "What is satisfying about being an audiophile, and what are the approaches that get me there? Do you personally know the answers for yourself? "


Reading about acoustic....

And simple thinking about S.Q./price ratio analysis..

Taking anything useful from my basement to create devices...

Buying nothing after my three basic pieces of gear were rightfully chosen....

This way i feel  happier by the day....


Can't answer. Was never happy with my system when I considered myself an audiophile. Audio Nervosa I believe it is called. Anyway, somehow I figured out that I just like listening to music and particularly music that I like, music that speaks to me. I quit upgrading my system and buying and listening to only music that "sounds" great.

Now I'm a happy music listener. Yes, listening on a good/great sounding system is a plus and is special to me. However, I can be happy listening to good music, (to me)music, of all genres, even on a pedestrian system. In fact, I do it regularly when I get together at friend's homes to listen. They are normal people. Never suffered from the dreaded...

This is not a condemnation of audiophilia. Tried it. It just didn't work for me.