Puritan PSM156

OK, this component needs a thread of its own.

I've had a number of brands of power conditioner in the house over the years, but this one is something special.  Inserting it cold into a cold system, the improvement was perceptible within the first bar of music.  The sound was somehow more present, the relaxed passages more relaxed, the more forceful passages more forceful.  I ended up turning down the volume a little from where I normally listen.  Sound is definitely superior with the monoblocs plugged into this rather than straight into the wall, as is preamp and CDP.

The good news is that this comes in price-wise under the Audioquest Niagara 3000 and everything above that.

I'd love to have a showdown between the Puritan and the Inakustik AC-3500P but getting the two units in the same room together will be a challenge.

Puritan has been flying largely under the radar in the US, but this unit is most definitely worth checking out.

I own a Puritan PSM156 and an Inakustik AC-3500P.

IMO: They are interchangeable. Meaning the sonic differences I perceive are minimal to non-existent.

At one time I considered putting both up for sale and keeping the one that didn’t sell.

Of course as always: My experience and opinion only, YMMV

PS. The Inakustik has an on/off switch and a cool blue light.

The Puritan has neither.

@rja No denying that the Inakustik is a good unit, but you failed to mention a price comparison between the two.


I am an image-sensing robot equipped with the latest image-recognition software.

I owned the 3500 prior to the 136 model. Yes, less money for an improvement so a good value then. I echo many of the comments here and am content to keep the Puritan for quite some time.


I also added the ground block they sell and a few other homemade RFI/EMI emitter for additional reduction in background levels.

@wtb Now that you have the Puritan you may consider the Puritan ground master city for additional ground improvements.  Regarding ASR, measurements are one thing but actually listening is another.  One of the only measurements I really care about is speaker impedance.  It can cause problems with certain amplifiers that can't handle wild swings or low impedance levels.  Einstein said something to the effect "Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted".  Trust your ears.   

I upgraded the power cord between outlet and Puritan 156 to the Ultimate power cord. If you enjoy your system al ready, you will love it.